Monday, May 4, 2009

My List

May 30, 2009 until February 26, 2012

The Mission:Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.


Completed items will look like this

In progress items will look like this

My List
1. read one novel each month and keep a log of completed books (0/143)
2. visit the library every month (0/33)
3. read a whole novel in French and understand it
4. learn to whistle loudly and make the drip noise
5. learn to play 5 songs on the piano (one from Amelie) (0/5)
6. learn to play 3 songs on the guitar
7. pick up a third language
8. play the flute on 3 different occasions
9. learn to pick a lock
10. visit a Buddhist temple
11. master 40 of the “75 skills every woman should know”
12. relearn how to read sheet music

13. finish at least one watercolor journal
14. make a quilt
15. make a time capsule
16. finish my Europe box
17. sew myself a dress
18. send a message in a bottle
19. create guerilla art
20. take 3 different art classes
21. buy Polaroid film and take pictures using dad’s camera
22. visit a flea market
23. complete 5 “learning to love you more” tasks
24. finish 3 knitting projects (besides my scarf)
25. go to a crafty event
26. spend one whole day creating
27. keep a dream journal for one whole month
28. make pottery on the wheel
29. sew my own Halloween costume one year
30. go to an art museum or gallery
31. make a travelling art kit and use it
32. complete a photography project (365 days, 100 strangers project, 26 things)
33. write a list of things I love (128)
34. document 9/9/09, 10/10/10 and 11/11/11

Health, Beauty and Dance
35. get a piercing
36. take a yoga class
37. go to bed at 10pm every night for one whole month on 3 occasions
38. be able to do the splits all 3 ways (0/3), do the leg lift thing, and touch my toes while sitting down (0/2)
39. learn to do handstand or a back walkover and a one handed cartwheel (0/2)
40. be able to do 50 sit-ups and 100 push-ups
41. find a perfume I love and make it my signature scent
42. get a henna tattoo
43. spent the day at the spa and get a massage
44. choreograph a dance for some one other than myself
45. have 2 audition songs and 2 monologues prepared
46. dance a solo in front of an audience
47. find a medicine that works for me, and continue to strive to get better.

48. spend the day in a city I’ve never been to before, just exploring
49. go to a concert
50. try letterboxing or geocashing
51. swim with the dolphins
52. go skating outside
53. go to a baseball or football game
54. travel outside the USA
55. go to a drive in movie
56. learn to race racecars
57. go to the beach at least 10 times
58. visit the snow (make a snowman and snow angels)
59. go on a picnic
60. climb a tall tree
61. touch an elephant
62. see the northern lights
63. see a performance by Cirque de Soleil or the Blue Man Group
64. have a spring time tea party
65. catch a jar of fireflies
66. go horseback riding
67. sleep under the stars
68. ride in a hot air balloon
69. go to a festival
70. move out of my house and live on my own
71. go to a state I’ve never been to before
72. go on a vacation just with friends and no parents

Organization and Home projects
73. start to save money for a volunteer trip in another country
74. keep my room clean for one whole month
75. clean out the car
76. write in my planner everyday for an entire month
77. reupholster my chair
78. hang Christmas lights in my room

Food and Nutrition
79. learn to make 10 meals by heart (0/10)
80. cook a 3 course meal for family an friends
81. take a cooking class
82. eat out at 10 different restaurants
83. make a meal with food I’ve grown
84. eat healthy meals for a whole week on 5 different occasions (0/5)
85. try 15 new recipes ( 0/15)

Nature and Gardening
86. successfully grow at least 4 plants in my window garden (0/4)
87. help mom clean out and organize the green house
88. plant a garden each spring and care for it thought the duration of the summer
89. plant a tree
90. watch a sunrise and a sunset

Friends, Family and Relationships
91. take photos with realities and important people in my life (mom, dad, Jason, Nana, Grandpa, Grandma…)
92. give 15 gifts just because
93. surprise someone I love with something big
94. celebrate 20 friends birthdays on time without a party invitation
95. stay up all night with someone I love
96. spend the day with my younger brother
97. visit my east coast realities and go to Laura Smith’s burial site
98. spend a day with grandma
99. have a totally spontaneous day with a friend
100. write regularly to 5 pen pals in different countries and research where they live
101. have a Christmas party
102. have a 4th of July swim party
103. start a new tradition
104. kiss in the rain
105. spend the whole day with a good friend doing something special of their choosing (5 times with different friends)
106. give small handmade gifts to my friends and family at Christmas
107. watch Grandpa Chuck’s video
108. write to Nana and Grandpa as well as Grandma 5 times

Doing Good
109. become a big sister
110. volunteer with a local organization at least 10 times
111. give blood and find out my blood type
112. visit an elderly person
113. work for heart central for at least 3 days
114. make a reusable lunch bag and use it
115. give a gift anonymously on 10 different occasions
116. talk to the keychain lady
117. work for habitat for humanity

800/1001 days
118. stretch and do my dance workout
119. floss my teeth
120. read in French for 10 minutes and work on flash cards
121. make sure all my animals are cared for
122. write in my journal

Everything Else...
123. get a basket for my bicycle
124. get a job
125. join church youth group and attend the meetings
126. get a physic reading
127. visit Ikea
128. write a letter to myself in the future from now until graduation senior year (one a month)


  1. Of course I don't mind if you follow my progress! However, I've recently moved my 101 things blog here: and that's where I'll probably be updating. And, if you don't mind, I will add you to my blogroll. :)

  2. Good luck on your 101 list! I started mine on the 5th, and already I feel scared if I don't finish them all!

  3. Good luck!! I like your idea of having extras just in case. I'm adding your blog to my links page if that's alright.

